Welcome!What is the CableOrganizer.com Factory Outlet?The CableOrganizer.com Factory Outlet is your online source for the widest selection of interconnect supplies anywhere. Our Web-based, online showroom and product catalog includes all the must-have products that have not yet found a home on our Website. Creation of a unique product page on our site requires extensive photography, detailed specifications, and each product’s unique features and benefits. That's where the CableOrganizer.com Factory Outlet online store comes in. We've gathered and displayed photos and brief descriptions on thousands of products – and posted them for your review. Know exactly what you want and don't need all the specifications? CableOrganizer.com Factory Outlet can save you time – and money. Enjoy the savings and feel free to browse the outlet. Remember: Every item sold from the Factory Outlet comes individually packaged (unless otherwise noted), labeled and bar-coded for easier identification, display and/or resale. If you have any suggestions for our online store or products you can’t find, please let us know. We’re here to serve you!